From Uncertainty and Worry to Stability and Hope

Posted on: 30 Aug 2024

Education Daycare

Thanks to WorkBC Centre Whalley, I went from a state of uncertainty and worry to a place of stability and hope. Their guidance was invaluable, and their support made all the difference in my journey. Today, I'm so glad I gave WorkBC a chance, as it proved to be the catalyst for the successful job search journey that changed my life forever.


Endless Possibilities for Growth at Any Age

Posted on: 24 Jul 2024

Health Care

After a period of unemployment due to my physical limitations, I turned to WorkBC for career planning guidance. With eight years of experience as a health care aide, I aimed to upgrade my skills and possibly continue in the health care industry, but I wasn’t sure where to start... WorkBC Centre Whalley provided me with personalized career counseling sessions with trained professionals who helped assess my skills and explore potential career paths. Additionally, they also funded my school training to become a Health Unit Coordinator.


Finding Success, Hope, Confidence, and Wings with WorkBC - Navdeep

Posted on: 12 Jun 2024

Domestic Violence Survivor SS

After a month of joining the program, I experienced assault and went through a horrible episode of domestic violence. There was no one I could ask for help during that time. However, WorkBC initiated support... Today, I have successfully completed my program and feel confident in myself once again.


A Journey of Giving, Caring, and Family Support - Maricel

Posted on: 3 May 2024

nanny job caring support family

I am forever grateful... for believing in my capabilities and assisting me not only in going to school for enhancement but also for giving me all the resources I needed from the beginning up to now. I am greatly gaining back my passion which is giving and caring to others and supporting my family as well.


"The support I got from WorkBC Centre Whalley is indeed exceptional and impressive. " - Maria

Posted on: 9 Jan 2024

Job Search with WorkBC

In October 2022, my husband and I joined our youngest daughter who moved from Winnipeg, MB to Surrey, BC back in 2018. I started my job search a couple of months later and had been sending applications online but unfortunately, was not getting favorable results. During this time, I also applied for EI hoping to get some financial assistance while still unemployed but was declined as I was not laid off but quit work in Winnipeg.


Chasing Dreams amid Shadows

Posted on: 1 Dec 2023

New Immigrant to Canada

An Indian immigrant who recently moved to Canada as a Permanent Resident at the end of April 2023. With 17 years of experience in the safety field and a master's degree in industrial safety engineering, my transition to the Canadian job market proved to be more challenging than anticipated.


Long Post Alert: Richard's Beautiful Anecdote about his Life

Posted on: 30 Nov 2023

New life, New dreams

I had been working as an IT employee at a mine in Northern BC.  Rotational work; two weeks on, two weeks off, staying in a camp facility.  It was great, although the weather and isolation were fairly extreme.  But I had a bigger problem, and I was about to learn that denial can only last so long in strained circumstances.  This camp was a dry camp -- no alcohol, no drugs -- and I had a serious drinking problem.  I kept it under control due to being "clean" two weeks at a time while at work and letting loose on my time off.  Little did I know that as soon as flights were grounded and the mine closed, there would be no control, and everything would fall apart.


Hanah's Journey towards Finding a Job she loves!

Posted on: 31 Oct 2023

Finding a Job you Love

I was unemployed when I came to WorkBC Centre Whalley for assistance. I had gotten a degree outside of Canada, but it was not enough to help me get a job. I worked at low-pay admin jobs until I became pregnant with my second child and went on maternity leave. I became a stay-at-home Mom for 4 years due to not having a direction of a career. My degree was not recognized by companies in Canada. I applied everywhere without any success or even an offer for an interview.


"Without WorkBC's support, it would not have been possible for me to return to school, and I would not have known my potential " - Mr. Wakit

Posted on: 29 Sep 2023

Job Search with WorkBC

It was winter when my job ended. It was a low hiring season for warehouse and construction, which were my core skills. Losing my job coincided with my family's arrival from the Philippines, where I spent time with them to help them adjust to life in Canada. On top of this, one of my children has a developmental/ mental health disability, and he was a handful. He needed a lot of our attention. So, job searching was even more challenging for me.


I’ll be forever grateful for all the help I received from WorkBC - Tanya

Posted on: 1 Sep 2023

People with Disability

WorkBC has funded my training in Esthetics, assisted me with my health needs and supported me with finding work as well as working clothes and shoes. My Vocational Counsellor was super attentive, caring and supportive. I’ll be forever grateful for all the help I received from WorkBC Centre Whalley to achieve my employment outcome goals.


Miracles happen when you believe...

Posted on: 4 Aug 2023

Printing Jobs

On March 16, 2023 I attended a Job Fair in Surrey. Although I was there to find a job, I became interested in the manufacturing program offered by the Northwest Skills Institute. I intended to take this course, but the leader of the organization recommended the Print Entry Level Training Program instead, based on my past experience running large format Digital Printers. However, it wasn’t until the middle of May that I was told that the PELTP now had enough students to begin the program. The start date was to be May 29, 2023.


Arun's Job Search Journey

Posted on: 5 Jul 2023

Job Search with WorkBC

I was helpless when I started my job search in September. My resume was not as per the Canadian job market. Laura from WorkBC Centre Guildford helped me with it. Once I started getting interview calls, WorkBC Centre Whalley helped me prepare for the interviews by conducting mock interviews. Staff at WorkBC Centre Whalley helped me appear for my interviews smoothly when my laptop was not working properly. I felt it was so helpful and it meant a lot to me.


Shruthi's First Job in Canada

Posted on: 14 Jun 2023

New Immigrant to Canada

When I moved to Canada, I was unemployed and while I was looking for a job, I realized it was not easy to find a job in Canada without reference, local experience and Canadian education. My resume was not getting shortlisted, I was unable to clear interviews. I appeared for more than 30 interviews and when I used to reach the second round, I was not getting hired due to lack of Canadian work experience and Canadian education. Also, as a newcomer I had no reference to share which was another reason.


"WorkBC staff is very warm and simply amazing, and they take care of clients’ needs efficiently."- Mr. Rojas

Posted on: 13 Jun 2023

Security Guard

I came to Canada in 2017. I was sponsored by my mother who came here years back as a Caregiver. As a new immigrant, I was excited to work to help my family.  I tried different survival jobs. The last job I had was at Cascade Casino as a banquet server.  Due to the pandemic, my employer reduced my work hours from full time to part time.  It was hard as I was expected to contribute to my family’s expenses. I decided to look for other opportunities that could help me find a permanent job.


"I couldn't have done it all without the support of WorkBC." - Moh

Posted on: 9 Jun 2023

New life, New dreams

I came to Canada in 2016 with my family including 2 children, aged 4 and 6 respectively. I was full of hope and enthusiasm. I came from Iraq. I worked different jobs. The job where I was for the longest time was as a security guard but I got laid off in 2020. As a security guard, I was receiving minimum income but was thankful for the experience and opportunity given to me by the organization. Shortly after that, I came to WorkBC Centre Whalley seeking Job Search support. I was ready to change my career because I knew there were many opportunities out there but I wasn’t qualified. My background in Physical Education back home was not leading me anywhere.


Her Wings Unfolded...

Posted on: 8 Mar 2023

Woman Believing in her Dreams

I am not sure where to begin. Everything still seems surreal to me. The last time I recall was when I was struggling to make ends meet. In addition to being a single mother with a six-year-old son, I have also experienced domestic violence and do not have any relatives or friends whom I can turn to for assistance. Furthermore, I was also a new immigrant who was unfamiliar with the resources available to us here... Upon graduation from Cambria College's Social Services & Community Support Worker Program, I became employed. My sincere thanks go to WorkBC Centre Whalley amazing team for their help and, most notably, for believing in me. This experience will remain with me for the rest of my life.


Lyn's Beautiful Story of Rediscovering Herself

Posted on: 30 Nov 2022

Career Development Practitioner

"During the past two years (COVID-19), I was lost, confused and had mild depression. I gained a lot of weight and became de-motivated, but because I met Rosita at WorkBC Whalley Centre, I got the opportunity to see my new self again. She guided my career decision by analyzing my skills and background, which I couldn't see myself then. She allowed me to obtain the necessary training and credentials with the help of WorkBC funding. I am delighted to say that I completed the Career Development Practitioner Diploma program on July 27, 2022."


Marie Finds Her Career for a Lifetime

Posted on: 28 Oct 2022

Health Care Aide

"I wanted to go to school to take Health Care Assistant program. But I wondered if I could shoulder the costs. Then, my friend told me about WorkBC and to call Ms. Rosita Bernardo. So, I finally got into the Health Care Assistant Program. During my training, I struggled to balance my household duties, make my assignments, review and prepare for exams. I often had very little sleep, and my stress and anxiety were very high. However, as I talked to Ms. Rosita, she was always very positive, guiding and encouraging me that I could do well and not doubt myself."


Crystal's Phenomenal Journey to Achieve Her Goals

Posted on: 8 Sep 2022

Licensed Practical Nurse

"I started this journey with WorkBC Whalley about 2 years ago and it was the best decision I could have ever made. I started by doing personality tests and it was a wonderful opportunity for me to learn so much about myself. WorkBC Whalley helped me research different colleges to pursue the LPN program again with regard to the cost of tuition, resources such as distance and the reputation of the school. WorkBC Whalley worked with me individually helping me understand the strengths I could use to get me through this program. "


Kelsey's Journey to Success

Posted on: 13 Jul 2022

Health Care Aide

I’m proud of how far I’ve come—I am officially a certified care aide. All the hard work pays off in the end, there are endless opportunities to get great jobs. I was offered immediate job at George Derby Center, where I spent my final practicum. I am thankful and happy; I am finally making a difference in people’s lives and I could not be happier.