Shruthi's First Job in Canada

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New Immigrant to Canada

When I moved to Canada, I was unemployed and while I was looking for a job, I realized it was not easy to find a job in Canada without reference, local experience and Canadian education. My resume was not getting shortlisted, I was unable to clear interviews. I appeared for more than 30 interviews and when I used to reach the second round, I was not getting hired due to lack of Canadian work experience and Canadian education. Also, as a newcomer I had no reference to share which was another reason.

Then, I got to know that WorkBC offers various employment programs and helps immigrants find jobs, and I wanted to take this opportunity to find a job as soon as possible.

WorkBC Centre Whalley helped me with my resume, cover letter, and encouraged me to attend employer events and other job fairs to find my first job in Canada.

My case manager Rosita Bernardo helped me meet an employer at an event. The hiring manager was Rosita’s contact whom I gave my resume and cover letter. I was shortlisted for the interview and cleared all the rounds. Now, I have a full-time job with Trail Appliance Canada. I am excited and learning new things each day at work.

I am thankful to my case manager and the team at WorkBC has been extremely helpful and kind. Rosita has been phenomenal and helped me improve myself as an individual. I would highly recommend newcomers to go to WorkBC.



WorkBC is the provincial government's access point to the world of work in British Columbia. It was created with one key goal — to help all British Columbians to successfully navigate B.C.'s labour market.